Happy Halloween, Amesville families!! A big thank you goes out to everyone who came to enjoy our annual Halloween parade. Thanks to the Amesville Fire Department and Officer Scott for helping to keep us safe as we made our way through Amesville. The November breakfast/lunch calendar was sent home today with your student. In case it didn't make it home, lunch tomorrow will be chicken noodle soup, mini pretzels, baby carrots & hummus, diced pears and milk.
10 months ago, Jenny Spero
Happy Monday! Hope you are all well and ready for the start of a new week. Linked here you can find the memo for the week ahead (https://5il.co/27zb7). I hope you have a great week!
10 months ago, Jenny Spero
Congratulations to Amesville's Marathon Runners from the first 9 weeks of school! Each student logged a minimum of 26.2 miles! We celebrated their accomplishments with an ice cream treat!
10 months ago, Beth Simpson
9 week Marathoners!
Happy Monday, Amesville families!! I hope you had a great weekend. Linked in this message you can find the Monday memo (https://5il.co/27m76) for this week and a Running Club newsletter (https://5il.co/27m80) from Mrs. Simpson. Looking forward to another great week!!
10 months ago, Jenny Spero
Due to the cancellation of the Homecoming Parade, tonight's FHMS Homecoming Dance will be extended to end at 6:20. This will allow our students to see the Crowning of the Homecoming Court at 6:30.
11 months ago, Sonya White
Due to this evening's weather forecast, the Homecoming Parade has been canceled. The Homecoming court will still be crowned prior to the game.
11 months ago, Jake Amlin
Click on the link to check out what's cool at Coolville Elementary this week! https://5il.co/277hv
11 months ago, Ashley Miller
What's Cool at Coolville?
Come celebrate Homecoming 2023 with us this Friday! We are excited to show off our band, cheerleaders, and football team. We're so proud of them all, and we know you will be, too!
11 months ago, Jake Amlin
Good evening FHMS families. Confirmation notices about this Thursday's Parent-Teacher Conferences have gone home with most middle school students. There are a few that still need to go home. Please be on the lookout for these notices. If you would like to contact Julie to confirm your conferences you can reach her at jgillian@fhlancers.com. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
11 months ago, Sonya White
Amesville families...the Original Works fundraiser is coming to an end. Order forms and money are due by Thursday morning. Thanks Ms. Pearce and our PTO to helping with this fundraiser. Your support of this fundraiser is appreciated!
11 months ago, Jenny Spero
original works reminder
The next Little Lancers Playgroup is Monday, October 23 at 10:00 a.m. in the Little Lancers Room near the Lancer Care Clinic entrance at Federal Hocking Middle School. Hope to see you there!
11 months ago, David Hanning
Little Lancers Playgroup
Happy Monday, Amesville families!! Take a moment to check out the Monday memo (https://5il.co/275ip for the week ahead.
11 months ago, Jenny Spero
Rocky Brands hosted the Federal Hocking High School Career Exploration Class and did an incredible job exposing them to a variety of potential employment opportunities in our county. The class heard from the following departments: Marketing, Design, Human Resources, Information Technology, Customer Service Call Center, Sales, and the Distribution Center. We are grateful for their support and time, as they did a wonderful job relating to our teenage students. Thank you!
11 months ago, Jake Amlin
Tonight’s Varsity/JV Volleyball game at Trimble is CANCELLED due to lighting issues at Trimble. The middle school will still play today as scheduled.
11 months ago, Stephanie Evans
​This month Coolville Elementary will be focusing on Respect, just one of our three Core Values. Students will be recognized weekly for demonstrating acts of respect. Check out the image to see just some of the ways that students can show respect both inside and outside of school. Feel free to use these to help talk with your child about ways he or she can show respect at school and at home!
11 months ago, Ashley Miller
Coolville Elementary Core Value: Respect
Click the link to check out what's cool at Coolville! https://5il.co/26kyc
11 months ago, Ashley Miller
What's Cool at Coolville?
This forum will be an empowering way to stay informed about the future of our district. Join us to meet the candidates for the upcoming FHLS board election.
11 months ago, Jake Amlin
Candidate forum
Hello Amesville families! Just a reminder....there is no school for students on Friday, October 6th. Also, the PTO t-shirt sale wraps up on Monday. Click here (https://5il.co/26c46) if you need another copy of the order form.
11 months ago, Jenny Spero
2023.10.05 - Reminder - there are no classes for students tomorrow due to staff development tomorrow, Friday, October 6.
11 months ago, David Hanning
CANCELATION. The Painting Party scheduled for Saturday, October 7th at FHMS has been cancelled. Ticket sales were low for this event. We may try to reschedule for sometime in the Spring.
11 months ago, Sonya White