Reminder: A public meeting to gather feedback on the district’s Gifted program will be tonight 12/16 at 6:00pm in the HS library.

Reminder - HS/MS Holiday Band Concert this evening at 7 PM in the George 'Doc' Wood Auditorium located at the HS/MS.

Reminder- 12/7 Events at FHHS tonight: Class of 2025 Souper Bowl Fundraiser beginning @ 4:00; CCP Meeting @ 6:00; Boys Basketball v. Alexander @ 6:00. See you there!

On Tuesday, November 16 the Athens City-County Health Department will be at Amesville Elementary at 9:30 and Coolville Elementary at 12:30 to vaccinate 5-11 year old students. Consent forms are required. Please contact your school with any questions.

Support our Lancer CC at Regionals in Pickerington Saturday 10/30!

Please fill out our School Vaccine Survey!