COOLVILLE REMINDER Quick reminder that Vision Van will be at the school tomorrow to deliver glasses as well as provide glasses fittings. If your child has already received glasses from Vision Van, please remember to send them in with your child to school so they can be properly fitted. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Coolville nurse's corner
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Coolville PTO meeting is now Jan. 31st at 6pm
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
January newsletter
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
2023.01.05- There will be no preschool or kindergarten at Amesville Elementary School again tomorrow. These students will return on Monday, January 9.
about 2 years ago, David Hanning
2023.01.04- There will be no preschool or kindergarten at Amesville Elementary School tomorrow, January 5, 2023. All other students will return as scheduled.
about 2 years ago, David Hanning
It is Winter Concert time! The Kindergarten-2nd grade students will perform Monday, December 19th. Students in grades 3-5 will perform Tuesday, December 20th. Doors will open at 6:00. Students can arrive in classrooms starting at 6:15. The show will begin at 6:30. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the show!
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero
Breakfast with Santa!!
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Ho Ho Ho, Santa is on his way for breakfast at Coolville Elementary this Saturday morning December 17th from 9:30 -noon! Please come and have breakfast with Santa and get a picture or two! We will also have our Secret Santa shop open for holiday shoppers as well! We are still in need of volunteers for gift wrapping. Please call us at 740-667-3121 to volunteer! Have a Merry Christmas Season!
about 2 years ago, Bruce Hoover
Coolville Elementary kindergarten and second grade celebrating the holidays!
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Coolville concert
Due to the changing weather and the amount of sickness and absenteeism we are seeing we are asking that all students wear a coat OR a hoodie with at least two layers of t-shirts when the temperatures are below 40 degrees.
about 2 years ago, Bruce Hoover
Winter concerts and holiday spirit week are right around the corner. Click here for a link to a newsletter with important details: Click here for more information about holiday spirit week:
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero
Coolville secret santa shop will be open from 6 to 8 tonight and Thursday night during our concerts.
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
REMINDER. Coolville Secret Santa shop starts 12/16.... Breakfast with Santa is 12/17..... Holiday parties 12/21 at 3p.m.
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Coolville holiday concerts are on Tuesday, Dec. 13th at 7 p.m. for Kindergarten and 2nd grade ... Thursday, Dec. 15 at 7 p.m. for first and third grades...
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
December newsletter
about 2 years ago, Gini Tabler
Nov. 29 2022
The Amesville Holiday Shop is on Monday, December 12th. Don't forget to send in your money. It's not too late!! Looking forward to fun and shopping on Monday. Holiday shop information can be found here
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero
The Amesville Holiday Shop will be held on Monday, December 12th. Items will cost $5.00 or less. Many of the items for sale will be at the lower end. Please return your students Holiday Shop money envelope to school as soon as possible. If you need another one, you can click the link ( or call the school. Fliers were send home at the end of last week.
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero
The Amesville Holiday Shop is just around the corner. You can access information by clicking this link
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero
Amesville families....reminders about important upcoming dates and other news can be found at this link
about 2 years ago, Jenny Spero