FHHS is ready to thrive in 2025! Enjoy our first newsletter of the new year.
Check out our Coolville School news for January and February! Click the link if you are unable to view the image! https://5il.co/35awr
This is a friendly reminder that there will be no school for students tomorrow, Friday, January 17th, or on Monday, January 20th. Friday is a staff professional development day, and on Monday, school is not in session in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday, January 21st.
Join our team! Visit our website for more information.
Amesville families,
Reminder, there is no school tomorrow, January 17th. This is a teacher professional development day. We are also off on Monday January 20th for MLK Day. School will resume on January 21st.
Term 2 report cards for high school students will be passed out tomorrow morning. You can also check grades on Infinite Campus. Please contact the high school office if you need help logging in. Students may earn credit for the second semester if they did not receive credit for the first semester. If you have questions about your child's grades, please get in touch with the teacher responsible for the course. Thank you!
Coolville Elementary congratulates Maddie for being recognized as a Lancer Leader for her consistent leadership in art class. We are so proud of the role model you have been, Maddie! Keep it up!
Amesville Families,
Due to icy conditions on the playground student drop off and pick up will be at the main doors for the remainder of the week. Please be mindful of busses, use the side walk and crosswalk. I appreciate your patience and cooperation as we try our best to keep everyone safe.
Good morning Fed Hock Families.
Today, we are on normal school hours. We are also on Plan A transportation. We will remain on Plan A transportation and normal school hours until further notice.
The FHHS Snowball Dance will take place on January 25th at 8pm.
🌟 Good Morning, Lancers! 🌟
We hope you all had a restful and rejuvenating extended break! After some well-deserved time off, we're thrilled to welcome you back with the 4th installment of Lancers, Learners, and Leaders!
Coolville Families, we will be on a two-hour delay tomorrow, Monday, January 13. School will begin at 11:00 a.m., and dismissal will be at the regular time. We can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!
❄️Amesville Famies, we will follow our two hour delay schedule tomorrow January 13th. Doors will open at 11:00. ❄️
Fed Hock Families,
Thank you for your patience last week as we navigated through multiple storms. I have been working with our transportation department in preparation for tomorrow, Monday, January 13, 2025.
Currently, we plan to be on a 2-hour delay tomorrow to give our bus drivers and families extra time for safety. We will be utilizing our “Plan A” for transportation. Your bus driver will be in contact with you to arrange pick-up at a different location. If you feel it is best to transport your child to school, you are welcome to do so.
As of right now, we plan to be in school Tuesday at our normal time. We will continue to use “Plan A” transportation until our bus drivers tell me it is safe to travel our normal routes.
Once again, I appreciate your patience as we continue to keep the safety of our students and staff our top priority. We look forward to seeing our kids tomorrow.
Dr. Spencer
Fed Hock Families,
I hope everyone is doing well after a tough week of weather.
Just in case we need to use our "Plan A" transportation in the future, I wanted to make sure everyone has a copy of the plan.
"Plan A" shows roads that our buses will not travel if we need to use this plan in the future. If we decide to use this plan during bad weather, your bus driver will contact you with a pick-up location.
Thank you for all the pictures of our kids playing in the snow. They make me smile.
Stay safe out there.
Dr. Spencer
Fed Hock Families,
After careful consideration, we have decided to close all schools on Friday, January 10, 2025.
The condition of our secodary roads makes it unsafe for our students to be on busses. We hope the condition of our secondary roads will improve prior to Monday.
We are anxious to return to school and see our students.
Have a great weekend, and stay safe if you must travel.
Dr. Spencer
Due to the condition of our secondary roads, all Federal Hocking schools will be closed on Thursday, January 9, 2025.
Hello Federal Hocking Community. I hope that everyone is safe after a monstrous snowstorm.
Due to the condition of our secondary roads, all Federal Hocking schools will be closed on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.
We will continuously monitor our roads over the next 24 hours in hopes of returning to school. We will keep our entire community's safety first and foremost as we make our decisions.
Continue to monitor our athletics page for updates regarding events.
I hope our students are enjoying time outside in the snow. I would love to share pictures on our Facebook page if you have photos of our students in the snow. Please send them to jspencer@fhlancers.com for review.
Dr. Spencer
Unfortunately, due to the passing of Lester Green, The Federal Hocking Local School District Board of Education seeks applicants to fill his unexpired term on the Board of Education. The board must name a replacement within 30 days of the vacancy. The newly appointed member will serve until December 31, 2025.
Those interested in serving on the Federal Hocking Local School District Board of Education should contact Bruce A. Steenrod, Treasurer/CFO at (740) 662-5169 or bsteenrod@fhlancers.com for an application. The application is also available on the District’s website at https://www.fedhock.com/page/board-of-education . Applications will be accepted until Friday, January 17th.
All Federal Hocking Local Schools are closed for Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Please stay tuned for an announcement regarding athletic events on the Federal Hocking Athletics page.
Please be safe.
Dr. Jason Spencer