
**UPDATE (2023.07.27) Federal Hocking Local Schools warmly welcomes new staff for the 2023-2024 school year!

**Today's update includes the follow new staff and transfers :

Brittany Watson - 2nd Grade - Amesville Elementary School

Victoria Kibble - 4th Grade - Amesville Elementary School

Danielle Gurtis-Polk - School Psychologist

Debra Putman - 2nd Shift Custodian at Coolville Elementary School to Cook at Coolville Elementary School

Natausha Adams - MS/HS Cook to 2nd Shift Custodian at Coolville Elementary School

Correction - Mavee O'Callaghan will be 5th Grade at Coolville Elementary School

Mrs. Sonya White will step into the role of Middle School Principal for the 2023-2024 school year. Mrs. White has been a teacher and administrator at Federal Hocking since 1996. Mrs. White will do a great job as leader of the Middle School!

Also notable is the return of Mrs. Laurie Torrence. Mrs. Torrence retired at the end of the 21-22 school year, but is excited to return to the students she misses so dearly. Welcome back Mrs. Torrence!

Since early spring there have been some voluntary transfers and several new staff.  Still left to fill are Amesville 4th Grade and Amesville 2nd Grade and the Coolville Cook positions. Although we had several vacancies we've had outstanding candidates, many that bring years of experience to our schools and students. Listed below are recent retirements, transfers, and new staff. 

We congratulate Mr. John Wryst and Mrs. Bertha Stone on their recent retirements! Thank you for the many years of service to the students of Federal Hocking!

Below are the staffing changes for the 2023-2024:

2023 Retirements
John Wryst - High School Science
Bertha Stone - Coolville Elementary School Cook

2023-2024 Transfers
Mavee O'Callaghan - 6th Grade to 5th Grade at Coolville Elementary School
Katelyn Day - Coolville Preschool to 3rd Grade at Coolville Elementary School
Bobbijo Tabler - Middle School Intervention Specialist to Middle School Counselor
Robin Hawk - MS English to High School English

2023-2024 New Staff
Amesville Elementary School
Mackenzie Hawk - Kindergarten
Elissa Watson - 2nd Grade
Charity Rettenberger - Intervention Specialist
Jennifer Williams - Educational Aide

Coolville Elementary School
Erica Shover - Preschool
Ashley Ward - 4th Grade

Federal Hocking Middle School
Sonya White - Principal
Tystan Peyton - 6th Grade Math
Heather Anerino - Intervention Specialist
Laurie Torrence - 8th Grade Math
Emma Harter - 7th Grade Social Studies
Lori McNabb - 7th Grade Math
Jaclyn Casey - 6th Grade Science
Carrie Towne - 6th Grade English
Brenda Smith - Educational Aide

Federal Hocking High School
Kellyanne Terwilliger - Intervention Specialist
Cody Mason - Physical Education and Health

Angela Knopp - Bus Driver
Angela is filling in for Samatha Buck who is taking leave of absence to welcome her new daughter Evelyn Mae! We look forward to Sami's return for the 2024-25 school year.

Please join us in welcoming all of our new staff to Federal Hocking!