Welcome to Federal Hocking High School!

The Federal Hocking School District uses a progressive approach to help all young people become productive and engaged citizens. Our graduates will be creative thinkers and problem solvers, able to make positive choices about their careers, education, and community.

I'm so excited that you've taken the time to visit our website! I am very proud of the caring, talented people that comprise the FHHS staff, and I am confident that you will soon see the profound effect their dedication and expertise has on students.

At FHHS, we know that students are much more complex than test scores or GPAs can reflect. That's why our mission is more ambitious than simply raising isolated exam scores. Sure, we want to ensure that our students are able to read and calculate at levels that match or exceed other schools, but we also recognize the value of characteristics that are less easily measured.

The size of our school - a typical graduating class is around 75 students - means that no student goes unnoticed. Teachers all get to know every student quickly, both personally and academically. The relationships that are built benefit students as learners and as individuals.

As stated above, our district's mission is to prepare our students to contribute positively to our local and global community. The best way I've heard it paraphrased is that we're helping to grow our future neighbors. In a district so deeply rooted in Appalachian values of hard work, self-sufficiency, and generosity, I believe that the parallels between nurturing students and growing crops are countless.

We are farmers of our community's youth. Just as successful farmers are constantly studying innovative approaches to increase yields and minimize costs, it is up to us to stay abreast of the most effective instructional approaches and strategies for developing genuine relationships with students. Our local farmers can't predict or control the weather, but they can choose practices and varieties of crops that are more hearty. In the same way, we know that we can't prevent some of the challenges that our students face, but we can utilize approaches that respond to those challenges and provide students with tools to manage them on their own.

The very most successful teachers all start with relationships. We know that students are willing to work harder for someone they respect than a stranger, and when they know that someone supports them, they feel empowered to take risks that they might otherwise be too afraid to try. For these reasons, our staff prioritizes relationships with students above all other goals.

Our staff strives to create a space in which every student feels safe, comfortable, and welcome so that they can all achieve the goals that they have for their future. Whether students plan to join the military, enter the workforce, or pursue advanced education, I believe that Federal Hocking High School is the place for each of them. I hope that you'll join us in making our community stronger and more successful - whatever that means to you - than ever before.

I look forward to working with you to help the students, the staff, and all of our neighbors - current and future.

Jake Amlin, FHHS Principal

Jake Amlin, Principal